Slate on Facebook’s “retreat” from news


I spoke to Slate reporter Will Oremus on the double-sided coin that is the modern web for a feature about how referral traffic from Facebook has tanked for many web publishers (including, sadly, Slate): For every five people that Facebook used to send to Slate about a year ago, it now sends less than one.… Continue reading Slate on Facebook’s “retreat” from news

The day I broke Facebook

I wanted to run a test in my Facebook feed based on claims I heard that using certain phrases denoting personal news or big changes (like engagements or babies or new jobs) would bump up posts to the top of the feed. Facebook, basically: — Yuri Victor ♥ (@yurivictor) September 5, 2014 It turns out,… Continue reading The day I broke Facebook

You’re not my favorite: Twitter experiments with infiltrating your feed

Twitter is the headquarters of the control freak. It's a social network for those who want everlasting control over what they see and from whom they see it. It's the social network for those who want to bless people by following their digital auras, depending on if they prefer ethos (power Twitter), pathos (animal pictures / rage Twitter), or… Continue reading You’re not my favorite: Twitter experiments with infiltrating your feed

These tiny Gutenbergs (Part three)

In my first two posts about sharing media, I covered the reasons why we use social media to share information. The first part of These tiny Gutenbergs reviewed sharing information as a critical expression of free speech. The second part focused on the world of Twitter and why we retweet. In this third post, I thought… Continue reading These tiny Gutenbergs (Part three)